From the very outbreak of covid19 and it’s spread in Nepal, Bright Star Society is working on the ground to help daily wage workers with various disabilities and their families, parents having disabled children, women with disabilities, students, and other vulnerable communities stranded without food across Kathmandu valley and beyond. We have been helping those mentioned groups/families with food parcels, sanitation/hygine kits, cooking gas (fuel for the food), medicines and other need-based/demand-based circumstances. The major works we’ve done during covid19 are as follows:
A) So far, we have been able to help over 30,000 individuals (aprox 4500 Families) with basic food parcels, 400 families with cooking gas, 1100 families with medical supplies and hygine kits, 600 individuals with disabilities with basic assistive/adaptive tools and appliances like wheelchairs, white canes, crutches, colostomy bags etc.
B) In order to help children with different abilities in making sure their reading and writing activities are not stopped in this pandemics, we initiated Education Matters, all volunteers-led social campaign, by which we distributed special education kits like Braille Papers, audio books, audio players to 150 blind and visually impaired children who are far from the access to online education and studying in various government schools.
C) Organized various contests and competitions for the adults and children to help them showcase their creativity in this hard time which included, ‘Story telling’ contest for adults, ‘My talent from my home’, a virtual talent competition for the children.
D) We launched ‘Stay Connected’ campaign in which we helped 3000 people staying in quarantine and isolation with internet packs and phone recharge cards to help them keep connected with the world as well as their friends, families and loved ones. The beneficiaries were mostly from remote Nepal like Baitadi, Bajura, Humla who were just returning to Nepal from India losing jobs, businesses and those having severe poverty line.
E) We also launched ‘you share, we hear’, a telephone-based counseling and mental health counseling and sharing sessions with the people who were going through different problems.
F) We helped community volunteers, sign language intrepretors and those working in the front line like ambulench drivers, hearse drivers and volunteers with PPE sets, face shield, masks, sanitizers and other need-based health/safety kits. Also we helped them with recharge cars for the data and phone calls to ease their interactions and relief operation with the people needed help.
G) We also helped disaster/floods/landslides-affected and displaced people in Sindhupalchok with food packs, clothes, adaptive tools and other need-based items in various belts of Sindhupalchok and supported over 200 90 families.
H) We also conducted hot meal feeding service to 2000 individuals in the various locations for the people who were in the high verge of starvation, we served cooked meal, breakfast and snacks time to time in different locations.
I) To help the children of disabled guardians who lost jobs/businesses and income in pandemic, we dispatched 20 refurbished phone sets to help children access the online classes offered from their schools. Collecting the old phones, we repaired them and gave them away to needy.
J) In Dashain, we gave away the Dashain special mega food parcels to individuals and 72 more families of various disabilities who could not return to their villages and needed the food urgently.
K) In recent Tihar, we facilitated to help children of disabled guardians with warm clothes, stationery materials, kites and so on as a Tihar gift to enchance their creativity and recreation.
L) The beneficiaries we served were the families of blind and visually impaired, deaf and hard of hearing, LGBTI community, tempo and taxi drivers, women tempo drivers, daily wage workers and other miscellaneous vulnerable communities in need!
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