We believe in the power of collaboration, partnership and networking with like-minded organizations and individuals to generate the collective spirit, strength and voices for the better and prosperous society. We are open for any kind of collaboration with the spirit of “friendship to all, malice to none”.
Since the inception of BSS, we have been collaborating with youth-led like-minded organizations, individuals and private sectors. After the devastating earthquake that shook Nepal in April 2015, our pace of collaboration escalated and together with them we have been able to reach the unreached and touch the lives of many people who were in the need of support. We firmly believe that togetherness brings happiness not to one, but to all. Together we can carry the greater load. With this spirit, below we are presenting our partner-organizations whom we have collaborated in our different activities in different projects and campaigns.
Gwahali for Differently-Able People (GDAP):
Gwahali for Differently Able People (GDAP),
has been a great partner in our post-earthquake relief and rehabilitation campaigns. Together with the team of Gwahali and their volunteers, we first distributed relief packages particularly health and hygine sanitation kits to the people affected from earthquake in Kathmandu valley, Kabre, Sindhupalchok, Dhading and Nuwakot. Secondly, we jointly conducted a project called, “reconstruction for Prosperity”, in which together we constructed more than hundreds of temporary shelters for the families and individuals with disabilities in the earthquake-affected regions. Thirdly, we shared the office for few months and jointly dispatched miscellaneous assistive and adaptive appliances like white canes, chrutches and wheelchairs to the needy individuals with different disabilities especially the victims fo earthquake, and also helped jointly to the victims with various training packages and seed-fundings to kick off their own little local business.
Recently, in collaboration with Gwahali, we have successfully completed a knitting training for the visually-impaired women under the project “Sparsha, the power of touch”.
Shauna Rose Kaufman Foundation
Shauna Rose Kaufman Foundation,
works to help children and adults in the thirld world including Nepal to empower people through arts, equality and education. We, together with this organization, shared the same boat and worked together by reaching the earthquake-affected areas and helping people with disabilities with assistive tools and independent-living supplies. Together, we tried our best to touch the lives of victims providing them with shelters, educational support, kitchenwares and much more.
Helping Hands #Nepal Earthquake
Helping Hands #Nepal Earthquake is the group of youth volunteers. In the winter campaign that we conducted to help earthquake victims, this group provided us with hundreds of solar lamps, blankets, wheelchairs, medical equipments and stationary items including some cash support to help continue our post-earthquake activities for the earthquake victims in various districts. Not only that, we conducted few skill-development trainings for earthquake-affected visually-impaired with the financial support of this organization in Kathmandu.
Nepal Jesuit Social Institute
Nepal Jesuit Social Institute, (NJSI),
is a regular collaborator of our post-earthquake campaigns and programs. With this institute, we distributed winter clothes, blankets, bed-nets and assistive tools like white canes, chrutches and wheelchairs to the earthquake victims individuals with disabilities in Sindhupalchok, Kavre and Dolakha. Also we worked in partnership for the livelihood option for the people of Banepa, Dolakha, and conducted various trainings to empower the persons with disabilities and help them become independent from the crisis created by earthquake.
Lahar Srijana
Lahar Shrijana– An alternative opportunity for self-sustenance, works for the empowerment of home-workers women through arts and crafts. We collaborated with Lahar Shrijana and conducted an exclusive training on gender-based violence to help women with disabilities understand the various aspects of gender-based violence and also to educate themselves on how to make a self-defense and self-protection.
In addition to this training, Lahar Shrijana, under the recommendation and co-ordination of Bright Star Society donated 4 computer sets to the blind and visually-impaired students at Sanjiwani School in DhulikhelKabre.
Computer Association of Nepal (CAN)
Formerly known as Computer Association of Nepal (CAN) and now changed as CAN Federation, it is the umbrella organization of ICT-related organizations in Nepal. CAN federation organizes a couple of exhibitions every year known as CAN Infotech and CAN Softech. These are the grand exhibition and the mega expo of computer hard-wares and softwares including the newly-introduced technologies, mobile phones and accessorities and the complete IT solution. This organization has been providing a free space/stall to Bright Star Society, by which we exhibit the the technologies used by and for visually-impaired and also demonstrate the different things such as how blind and visually-impaired use computers, mobile phones, braille-sense and other electronic devices.
Compassionate Hands for Nepal
Compassionate Hands for Nepal (CHFN), from the very advent of Bright Star Society has been collaborating in various right-based trainings and campaigns. Prior to Earthquake, together we conducted “scanning and reading” training for visually-impaired, organized the combine-exhibition to showcase accessible technology and so on, and after e/Earthquake, we jointly organized medical camps, relief distributioin, constructed few shelters in Banepa, and provided educational support to the children of parents with disabilities.
Sechine Clinic
Sechine Clinic is the medical partner of Bright Star Society. With the technical and medical support provided by Sechine Clinic, we have been conducting the mobile medical camps every week in different locations of Kathmandu valley and nearby locationis. Sechine Clinic provides us the free medicines, doctors and medical team, and we facilitate and manage the logistics for the medical camps.
Blind Rocks
Blind Rocks is an NGO that works to empower blind and sighted community through trainings, dance, beauty and arts. We collaborated with Blind Rocks in our post-earthquake relief distribution programs to reach more people and help them out with relief packages. Later we funded for their one of the programs called, “beauty and fashon for blind girls.”
Engage Nepal
Engage Nepal promotes inclusive volunteerism in Nepal. In the second phase of our post-earthquake reconstruction campaigns, We, Gwahali and Engage Nepal constructed 30 shelters in Sindhupalchok. Also Engage and Bright Star Society together conducted a health camp in Sanjiwani School on the day of second-biggest earthquake. On that day, Engage Nepal supported 20 visually-impaired students with towels, bed-covers and clothes.
Other Partners
Apart from the above-stated organizations and ventures, we have been working with other few organizations occasionally. We highly honor and value their spirit of collaboration with us. Following organizations have contributed a lot for our post-earthquake relief, rehabilitations and entrepreneurship development efforts. We highly appreciate their groundbreaking contribution and continued solidarity in our campaigns and programs:
- LhakpaPhutiSherpa Trust
- Tilganga Eye Centre Kathmandu,
- Glaucoma Support Group,
- Nepal Eye-Donation Society,
- Sahayogi Nepal,
- Karmashil Youth Group
- Listeners Club Nepal
- International Center on Nonviolent Conflict (ICNC)
- Kathmandu Association of Blind
- Lalitpur Association of the Blind
- Lines Club of Sambridhi
- Various Leo Clubs
We Recommend
If you want to be listed in our partners and networks and would like to work with us in touching more lives and reaching out more communities, please feel free to see our Programs and Campaigns and explore the ways to Get involved!
Come, join and explore the ways to work together for the better society that we envision!